The owner of website makes every effort to ensure that the information contained on the website is up-to-date, accurate and of the best quality. Should you notice any error, please notify us by sending an e-mail to:
Ekpols Sp. z o.o. informs and warns that the data contained on website does not constitute a binding offer under applicable regulations, especially an offer of any services, including services provided to the users of the website, customers and partners. This data has been provided exclusively for informational purposes.

The information contained on websites is updated periodically, but the owner of website does not hold any liability for the accuracy, relevance and completeness of presented data and information. At the same time, the owner of reserves the right to introduce changes in the entire or parts of the service without prior notice.

The owner of website does not hold any liability for possible errors and omissions in the presented data. The user bears the entire risk related to the use of the provided information. The owner of does not hold any liability for any damage arising from the use of this information. The risk related to the use of websites is born exclusively by the user. Rules:

  1. Explanation:
    • The words listed below, used in these Rules, should be understood as defined below:
    • Administrator – an entity managing and running the website, that is,
    • Rules – this document together with all appendices that contain clear reference to it.
    • Website – the website located at, including all elements characteristic for websites.
  2. 2. General information
    • Please read the Rules before entering the website. The use of this website will be understood as the acceptance of the Rules. These Rules constitute the entire agreement between the website owner and the User.
    • website is owned by Ekpols Sp. z o. o.
    • Ekpols Sp. z o.o. notifies and warns that the information contained on website does not constitute a binding offer under applicable regulations, in particular an offer of any services, including services provided to the users of website, or Customers and Partners of Ekpols Sp. z o.o. This data has been published exclusively for information purposes.
  3. Access to the website
    • We reserve the right to withdraw or change services included in our offer without prior notice. We do not accept any liability for the unavailability of the website at any time or in any period;
    • can sometimes offer limited access to certain parts of the website due to maintenance or update;
    • The Administrator holds no liability for any errors arising from simple mistakes committed during the preparation of the information or a change of regulations of a given country.
  4. Website terms of use
    • It is not allowed to:
      • use any part of the website materials without a licence covering a given area of use obtained from us or from our licensors;
      • copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, download, display, send by e-mail or pass on, in any form and in any manner, materials from our website without a written consent of the website owner;
      • place links leading to website or any other website without the owner’s consent.
  1. Links to other websites
    • All links to other websites are provided exclusively for information purposes. We do not have any control over the contents of these websites and resources, therefore we do not hold any liability for any damage that may arise from the use of the information published there.
  2. Intellectual property rights
    • Ekpols Sp. z o. o. is the owner of all intellectual property rights to
  3. Copyright
    • The contents of website is protected by the copyright of Ekpols Sp. z o. o.
    • The use of website contents, in particular copying, disseminating, reproducing, citing in any manner or form, for non-commercial purposes, is allowed under licence, that is, providing the author and the source.
    • Any other way of using the website contents, particularly copying, disseminating, reproducing, unauthorized citing, in any manner or form for commercial purposes, is not allowed.

Any matters not regulated by the Rules are governed by the provisions of the applicable Polish Civil Code.